On Amazon: Avery White Marking Tags Strung, 1.75 x 1.093-Inches, Pack of 1000
Buy Online at Amazon.com
2. GATHER AND ORGANIZE the items you are selling
The more organized you are, the quicker Drop Off will be! Best you can, organize your items by GENDER and SIZE before you start. Review the sidebar to see what is and is not acceptable.
3. PREPARE your items
Wash, iron, repair buttons, gather loose pieces of toys and do whatever is necessary to ensure that your
items are in excellent condition. Items will be returned that do not meet our guidelines.
- Hang clothing on plastic hangers - Find new hangers at places like
Bed, Bath and Beyond or
4. COMPUTER ENTRY (It's easy & quick & fun!)
Gather your clothing in a neat pile beside you at the computer.
Register and Train - Clicking "Register" below will allow you to signup as a consignor. You will be asked for your name, address, email and you will choose a password (Write this down.)
You will then be asked to complete some "training" screens to assure that we are on the same wavelength regarding quality, pricing and organization. Once you finish, you will be given a Consignor ID and a Batch number (write these down!!)
Enter your descriptions and prices on the Web. Enter a description and price for each of your items. Do this carefully and accurately. You will be able to save your work and come back to it later if you'd like.
Choose if you would like to DONATE items that do not sell. You will be able to choose NONE, ALL or select certain items to donate after the sale if they do not sell.
PRINT your inventory sheet. You can print it after you finish the Donate Screen, or go back to the Check Sales button and pull up your batch. You must bring your printed inventory sheet with you to check in.
TAG AND NUMBER your Garment
Once you have priced your garments and have a listing on the website, safety pin a string tag to each garment.
To help you keep you items in order, you may write the assigned number onto each corresponding tag.
When you come to the store with your items, we will have your price labels printed out and you can attach them
to your tags quickly and accurately before you leave. Make sure and bring them in numerical order. Please allow
30 minutes to an hour for Drop Off.
Pick Up Day is
Sunday, March 30th
12:00 PM
3:00 PM.
This is very important since we can't store your items. You will receive a detailed inventory sheet, your unsold items and a check for items sold. A participation fee of $10.50 will automatically be deducted from your account. ALL ITEMS LEFT AFTER PICK UP WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY, SINCE WE HAVE TO BE OUT OF THE FACILITY.
The process is simple once you become familiar with it!
Also remember, consignors may shop early. The Consignor's Pre-sale is Friday, March 21st from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The Consignor's HALF PRICE sale will be Wednesday, March 26th from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM .
*** One of the reasons our sale has become such a success is you - our consignors and our workers. If you are interested in working one or more shifts during the sale, you will be invited to our Worker's Pre-Sale Event on Friday, March 21st from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Email us at: karen@rhealana.com